I'm a motivational speaker!
I inspire people to overcome abuse by telling my own story.
Discover the power within you
to create a life of purpose after adversity

About Katrina

I'm a third-culture and missionary kid that was raised in Africa for 20 years. I was an orphan before I was adopted and raised doing ministry to unreached people groups. After walking through abuse, two rare diseases, and being shunned out of two religious communities, I have some mind-blowing stories that I hope will encourage and challenge my generation. I am a motivational speaker with a vision for helping people overcome depression, anxiety, spiritual abuse and trauma through storytelling.
After experiencing my own extreme trauma, I wholeheartedly believe the thing we fear most is being alone in our suffering.
I hope to change this belief by sharing my story with you so it may help you thrive mentally and encourage you spiritually.
This is a paragraph.
Unlock your potential and embrace greatness.

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